Landscapes with figure (1950-1955)

Dora Bassi’s Neorealism exists on a philosophical rather than a political plane. What really interests the artist here are the Boy in the courtyard (Ragazzo nell’aia) barefoot and poor; the Man sitting alone (Uomo seduto da solo) in an empty and modest house; The Master of the field (Padrone del campo) who is supervising the work of the labourers and who, with his menacing presence, does not look like the personification of agrarian property, but rather of death, dominating and possessing all of us. In a similar way, Grandfather and granddaughter (Nonno e nipotina) appear to pass the baton in the shared awareness that our days are short and that “the scene of this world is moving on” (‘passa la scena di questo mondo – in Italian in the text. Translator’s note).
(from Elena Pontiggia, Dora Bassi, una ricerca instancabile. Opere dal 1950 al 2006, catalogo mostra, Cormons, 2010). [1]

[1] Where not stated otherwise, translations are ours.

Impagliatrice / Chair-mender woman (1952), drawing, charcoal pencil on paper, cm 47 x 32

Donne gradesi / Women from Grado (1951), drawing, Indian ink on paper, cm 45 x 40

Bambino con orecchioni / Child suffering from mumps (1953), oil on canvas, cm 60 x 70, private collection

Operaio / Worker (1953), oil on canvas, cm 60 x 50

Ragazzo nell’aia / Boy in the farmyard (1953), oil on canvas, cm 100 x 70, private collection

Uomo che si fascia il piede / Man binding his foot (1954), oil on canvas, cm 70 x 50

Padrone nel campo / Master in the field (1953) oil on canvas, cm 70 x 80, private collection

Nel campo / In the field (1954), oil on canvas, cm 120 x 80, private collection

Nonno e nipotina / Grandfather and granddaughter (1953), oil on canvas , cm 100 x 85, private collection

Ragazza con fratellino / Girl with little brother (1954), oil on canvas, cm 100 x 70, courtesy of Società Filologica Friulana