These are high standard works fearlessly surviving time. “Demeter (Demetra, 1969), an example of terracotta successfully balanced between classical and modern, Crowd (Folla, 1969), bronze charged with extraordinary secure rhythm, the amazing work created for INPS in Palermo, and the amazing Conversation (Conversazione, 1972), two female figures exchanging worries, telling each other stories”.
(from Giancarlo Pauletto, Un percorso appassionato e coerente, in Dora Bassi, antologica, Gorizia 1997)
Via Crucis / Stations of the Cross (1958), ceramic and varnish, cm 50 x 50, Chiesa S. Andrea, Gorizia
Via Crucis / Stations of the Cross (1958), ceramic and varnish, cm 50 x 50, Chiesa S. Andrea, Gorizia
Via Crucis / Stations of the Cross (1958), ceramic and varnish, cm 50 x 50, Chiesa S. Andrea, Gorizia
Bozzetto per bassorilievo (INPS, Palermo)
Abbraccio/Innamorati / Embrace/Lovers (1966), ceramic h. cm 30, private collection
Ragazza pensosa / Pensive girl (1967), ceramic, h. cm 30, private collection
Ballerina / Dancer (1968), ceramic, h. cm 42, private collection
Siracusane / Women from Siracusa (1968), ceramic, h. cm 45, private collection
Ragazze che corrono / Running girls (1968), bronze, h. cm 35, private collection
Cristo delle paludi / Christ in the swamplands (1968), terracotta, h. 60, private collection
Il Vento / The Wind (1969), ceramic, h. cm 50, private collection
Ragazza che corre / Running girl (1970), bronze, h. cm 40, private collection
Conversazione / Conversation (1972), terracotta, 60, private collection
La folla / The crowd (1972), bronze, h. cm 120, private collection
S.t. / Untitled (1972), iron plate, h. cm 150
Abbraccio / Embrace (1970), bronze, h. cm 120, (Musei civici, Udine)
Coppia / Couple (1970), bronze, h. h.40, private collection
Guerrieri / Warriors (1972), bronze, h. 40, private collection