This is almost an autobiography through images, where we can observe the alternation of self-portraits, the theme of the relationship between man and woman, that between woman and sons and daughters, and the dangerous relationships occurring within the labyrinths of life.
(from Elena Pontiggia, Dora Bassi, una ricerca instancabile. Opere dal 1950 al 2006, catalogo mostra, Cormons, 2010).
Fuga / Escape (1988), oil on canvas,, cm 100 x 80, private collection
Nel mese di maggio / In the month of May (1989), cm 100 x 70, private collection
Il mobile liberty / Liberty furniture (1987), acrylic on canvas, cm 100 x 100, private collection
1929, la conversazione / 1929, the conversation (1989), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 70, private collection
Acqua di mare / Sea water (1988), acrylic on canvas, cm 190 x 160, private collection
Adolescenza, il rimprovero / Adolescence, the reproach (1990), oil on canvas, 100 x 100, private collection
Le stelle / The stars (1989), acrylic and oil on canvas, cm 120 x 100, private collection
Quando andavamo a Portorose / When we used to go to Portorose (1988), acrylic on canvas, cm 100 x 90, private collection
Il mare / The sea (1989), acrylic on canvas, cm 120 x 100, private collection
Gelosia / Jealousy (1987), tempera on paper, cm 70 x 50, private collection
Ritratto sul muro / Portrait on the wall (1987), oil on canvas, cm 100 x 100, private collection
Fuga da Sesto / Escape from Sesto (1989), acrylic on canvas, cm 70 x 70, private collection
Stazione a Gorla / Station in Gorla (1991), mixed technique, cm 120 x 100, private collection
Metropolitana / Subway (1991), oil on canvas, cm 100 x 100, private collection
Il treno alle 4 e 22 / The train at 4.22 a.m. (1992), acrylic on canvas, cm 120 x 120, property of Council of Gorizia
Fascio di luce / Beam of light (1989), acrylic on canvas, cm 120 x 100, private collection
Interno viola / Purple interior (1993), acrylic and oil on canvas, cm 120 x 100, private collection
Interno rosa / Pink interior (1993), oil on canvas, cm 120 x 100, private collection
Colloquio con TV / Conversation with TV (1993), acrylic on canvas, cm 120 x 100, private collection
Serata con TV / Evening with TV (1993), acrylic and oil on canvas, cm 120 x 100, private collection
Stanza blu / Blue room (2000), acrylic on canvas, cm 80 x 80, private collection
Dove inizia la laguna / Where the lagoon begins (1993), oil on canvas, cm 100 x 100, private collection
Cipressi / Cypress trees (1993), oil on canvas, cm 120 x 100, private collection
La cometa / The comet (1993), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
Castello sul mare / Castle on the sea (1993), acrylic on canvas, cm 100 x 100, private collection
La quinta luna / The fifth moon (1995), oil on canvas, cm 100 x 100, private collection