These twelve canvases are inspired by the legend of Saint Ursula and by the pictorial tradition of Carpaccio. Pilgrimage of research, figurative creation as well as hypnotic journey towards the profound meaning of the sacred: Dora Bassi’s research is figurative but, at the same time, it has nothing to do with realism or naturalism, but rather it holds a sinuous relationship with the symbolism of meanings. Every pictorial issue is solved through painting as if the latter answered as the first and absolute solution for the artist’s poetics. Likewise, it is not by chance that water is the real protagonist of these stories.
(from Tito Maniacco, Dora Bassi. Il martirio di Orsola e l’acqua mitica fra vita e dissoluzione, 2005).
Il sogno di Sant’Orsola / The dream of Saint Ursula (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
Congedo dalla madre / Valediction from the mother (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
L’attesa / The wait (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
L’incontro con lo sposo / The meeting with the groom (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
Volo verso Roma / Flight towards Rome (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
Papa Ciriaco benedice gli sposi / Pope Ciriaco blesses the spouses (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
Imbarco per Colonia / Embarking towards Colonia (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90,private collection
Arrivo a Colonia / Arrival to Colonia (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
Il massacro / The massacre (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
Viaggio nel tempo / Journey through time (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection
Verso l’infinito / Towards infinity (2004), oil on canvas, cm 90 x 90, private collection